OK, I'm willing to this blogger thing a shot - maybe it will make posting to this musings section easier??
now it can be official - you can comment! (if there's anyone out there)
here's what's been happening so far...
I decided to take the rest of the night off (10pm) too much work can make a girl cranky after-all... and so I went on the web in search of other weblogs just because... why not... I found this one- not martha which is incredibly charming and actually has lots of fun crafts with personal descriptions of what went wrong, what worked, etc. etc. A martha stewart who's allowed to fuck up! I really want to try the bath bomb thing, but I doubt I will... a dream project for the future. it'd sure be nice to know "not martha" and get some as a gift.... I bet you she always gives good gifts!
I also found a gallery in chelsea that just had a show of Amy Cutler's work... yes I'd love to own one - this one would do...
they are all her. I love that.
so the teaching thing is going pretty well. it definitely keeps you on your toes - 15 young adults all with different attention spans... and a few that really just want to be chatty the whole time... overall I'm super impressed - when they concentrate they create the most amazing work! it's pretty inspiring - it's great when you actually see them enjoying what they are doing - or working over/through a frustration... as corny as it sounds it's almost like seeing that lightbulb appear over their heads. I wish I went to art camp when I was their age - there's a felt hat making class - I would like to take that now!
I've been thinking a lot about pillows... I'm not sure why - but I have - they are sort of hanging around in the crevices of my brain wanting to be used somehow. What do they symbolize (besides the obviously fluffyness and sleepytime)? and then to top it all off my studio mate - Chris - was checking out my new website and he said that the dotted line shape looked like a pillow (which I swear I did not do on purpose).... and then there are the clouds which thematically go well with pillows....pillow talk.... pillows....
speaking of work (art) I need to make some - I made a plane drawing for an auction, this one has layers - clouds behind the planes - and a matching target to boot... what would happen if something was IN the target? and what should go in there? I like the layers though - it's a lot like working with the silk - same sort of ephemeral quality. OK enough typing - I have a butload of work to do....seriously
yikes! I start teaching "the youth" tomorrow! 6th, 7th, 8th graders... I've been trying to remember all day what I thought and cared about at that time. 7th grade was the worst - totally awkward - I had the mortal enemy that made my life hell; just started thinking boys were cute but didn't think any would ever think I was; trying to figure out what to wear every morning was torture! how do I make life drawing fun and interesting in this world of celphones, internet, ipods, etc.... wish me luck! I'm sure I'm going to feel old.
I've also been sick which is just completely a drag in summer. summer sickness should be somehow irradicated from the face of the planet! this means that all my freelance jobs (and my own site) have been on hold and I have had no studio time - I'm just itching to get back in there - plus I have promised some work to a few places.... deadlines are good.... time to get crackin!
just back from NY & Boston (best seafood I've had in a long long while).
Amy Cuttler is my *new* discovery from the Biennial (which I am having quite a hard time digesting. was there some good work - resounding yes - was it also disappointing - resounding yes!). Her paintings were just stunning (I will search for her on the web - hopefully will find some images)
I'm trying to FINALLY finish my own darn website. I feel like such a dork for not getting this done any sooner, but... obviously it'd be good for me (and work) to have it... so... I'm also kind of feeling like a dweeb for doing the whole web diary thing... but what the hell... nothing gained nothing lost....besides my guess is that I'll really only be the only person looking at it, and perhaps it will serve as a good art journal
now it can be official - you can comment! (if there's anyone out there)
here's what's been happening so far...
I decided to take the rest of the night off (10pm) too much work can make a girl cranky after-all... and so I went on the web in search of other weblogs just because... why not... I found this one- not martha which is incredibly charming and actually has lots of fun crafts with personal descriptions of what went wrong, what worked, etc. etc. A martha stewart who's allowed to fuck up! I really want to try the bath bomb thing, but I doubt I will... a dream project for the future. it'd sure be nice to know "not martha" and get some as a gift.... I bet you she always gives good gifts!
I also found a gallery in chelsea that just had a show of Amy Cutler's work... yes I'd love to own one - this one would do...

they are all her. I love that.
so the teaching thing is going pretty well. it definitely keeps you on your toes - 15 young adults all with different attention spans... and a few that really just want to be chatty the whole time... overall I'm super impressed - when they concentrate they create the most amazing work! it's pretty inspiring - it's great when you actually see them enjoying what they are doing - or working over/through a frustration... as corny as it sounds it's almost like seeing that lightbulb appear over their heads. I wish I went to art camp when I was their age - there's a felt hat making class - I would like to take that now!
I've been thinking a lot about pillows... I'm not sure why - but I have - they are sort of hanging around in the crevices of my brain wanting to be used somehow. What do they symbolize (besides the obviously fluffyness and sleepytime)? and then to top it all off my studio mate - Chris - was checking out my new website and he said that the dotted line shape looked like a pillow (which I swear I did not do on purpose).... and then there are the clouds which thematically go well with pillows....pillow talk.... pillows....
speaking of work (art) I need to make some - I made a plane drawing for an auction, this one has layers - clouds behind the planes - and a matching target to boot... what would happen if something was IN the target? and what should go in there? I like the layers though - it's a lot like working with the silk - same sort of ephemeral quality. OK enough typing - I have a butload of work to do....seriously
yikes! I start teaching "the youth" tomorrow! 6th, 7th, 8th graders... I've been trying to remember all day what I thought and cared about at that time. 7th grade was the worst - totally awkward - I had the mortal enemy that made my life hell; just started thinking boys were cute but didn't think any would ever think I was; trying to figure out what to wear every morning was torture! how do I make life drawing fun and interesting in this world of celphones, internet, ipods, etc.... wish me luck! I'm sure I'm going to feel old.
I've also been sick which is just completely a drag in summer. summer sickness should be somehow irradicated from the face of the planet! this means that all my freelance jobs (and my own site) have been on hold and I have had no studio time - I'm just itching to get back in there - plus I have promised some work to a few places.... deadlines are good.... time to get crackin!
just back from NY & Boston (best seafood I've had in a long long while).
Amy Cuttler is my *new* discovery from the Biennial (which I am having quite a hard time digesting. was there some good work - resounding yes - was it also disappointing - resounding yes!). Her paintings were just stunning (I will search for her on the web - hopefully will find some images)
I'm trying to FINALLY finish my own darn website. I feel like such a dork for not getting this done any sooner, but... obviously it'd be good for me (and work) to have it... so... I'm also kind of feeling like a dweeb for doing the whole web diary thing... but what the hell... nothing gained nothing lost....besides my guess is that I'll really only be the only person looking at it, and perhaps it will serve as a good art journal