
Not that I want to sing the praises of caffine, or jamba juice's energy boost - but seeing that I'm feeling like I'm running off of fumes, both have been coming in handy. This morning's dose of high octane coffee and my current sipping of an aloha smoothie will hopefully get me through a few rounds of student/painting interaction. There are a few that are really having that breakthough moment when all of a sudden the paint starts to do what you want and the collective galthering of the small moments are adding up into a REAL painting.... it's quite charming and lovely to behold!

and so I realized that it has been quite some time (10 days!) since I've even typed a word to you, my dear log... and hence I offer my sincerest apologies. I have not intended to be so neglectful... but I guess that the whirlwind of life just took over and sucked me in....

on an ecstatic note: I went to Ojai for the opening of Hidden Treadsures at the Larramendy Gallery and it was one of the best openings I've ever been to! As far as I can discern there are a few reasons for this: 1- my parents were able to attend (always nice to have family support) 2- Garbo was sitting and waiting patiently outside for us - I could see her through the glass door - one eye focused on recognizing the familar - plus she got a lot of positive love and attention from random people as well as my parents! 3- the people at the opening were there because they wanted to be! they were really interested in the ART (not the scene). they had great comments on the work - and some had driven from over an hour away.... Mr. Larramendy is not only providing a beautiful space for us artist's to show, but also really providing the public (and one that is educated, informed and hungry) a real service!! I also got to meet Jane... who commented on my hair and promised to try and sell my work to all her relatives! If that doesn't make your heart a flutter....

my studio mate Connie's pinhole (I'm assuming) of the urinals at the headlands - with the apt title: Ode to Duchamp. I have never seen urinals look so creepy, inviting and somehow soft at the same time.....

AND!!!!! I was mentioned in Miss Aurora Robson's blog... pitter patter a flutter (again).... I don't think I have the adjectives to describe how much I admire her work. Obviously so as she is in the list on the left here... you should also visit her website to see her intricate, lush, conceoptually charged, delicate work.... I hope she does come for a visit, and if she chooses to stay we on the West Coast would be lucky to have her!!

maybe I've made up for my lack of posting by over-posting this time?? I will do better... the log is good for clearing the head......


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