bright lights & multiple hats

happy happy and merry merry. there is something about a tree with sparkly lights and pretty shiney ornaments that makes me happy. this is why we get a tree - it smells good - looks fabulous and doesn't mean a religious thing (at least in this house)! this year we even have two! I found a small tinsel tree and I've always wanted one of those - it's decorated w/ a mix of these really pretty hand painted eggs that my mom brought back from abroad and some really old ornaments from my friend Marilyn (I have been the lucky recipient of many a vintage item from her). There are a few glass ones, but also some cardboard ones from the 40's (the little houses underneath are also from then).... we also got a bigger tree this year beacause of all the glass ornaments we received... there are a few really amazing ones - a coulple of robots with rocket ships (uh yes my personal favorites), a poodle.... a bird with a wispy tail.....
I just got back from a whirlwind trip to LA where I didn't really see much art - I was mostly visiting family. I did get to do a quick drive by/looksee of giant robot and their gallery which featured the work of Souther Salazar - quite cute and charming and practically all sold out... why is it that once you see such a flurry of red dots you start to want one too?? it's like psychologically you are missing out on something.... Of course I feel in love with the $55 Marcel Dzama book... sigh.... and several adorable t-shirts.... I guess I could jaunt to the SF location to see if they have the same stock.
the funniest part of the LA trip was how many hats I wore - I was a • computer tech (bought and set up a new PC) • an electrician (fixed a bad socket) • a cook (made some lima bean soup, and assisted with potato latke production) • a chauffer • a personal shopping assistant (fortunately I was also able to pick out some really good goodies for myself. I have not grown out of the shopping is fun phenom) • and just a granddaughter (best role)
also it was like 80 degrees the whole time - no socks - no jackets.... wow. quite a change from needing to wear a hat indoors because your thermostat reads 55. AND I got to eat yummy food at multiple restaurants... one of which had a suite of Richard Serra prints on the wall as decoration....
yes, I still have to organize/get to posting some images of my students work.... I am also working on FINALLY getting some printing samples up on my website.... no teaching lined up for spring (have to wait until summer) and thus I must find another way to make a living... more freelancing for me.... anyone have a job they need done?? hopefully I'll also get more studio time... fingers crossed.