surprise surprise!

IMG_2084 Originally uploaded by dressform.

above is a VERY cute luggage tag that came prancing in the mail from miss pink . being so new to this whole online blog community thing i am pleasantly suprised at how lovely and generous people are. read blog, blog says email us for a treat, email, said goodie arrives in mail all adorable and with such a sweet note! i found miss pink's blog because she so generously linked to my site.... ah the intricacies of the web... it weaves a tangled - oh you know!

other surprise... those desert folk! they are sneaky like a fox they are. i sit minding my own p's and q's (all 500 of them - anyone have any extra u's?). postcard for the lovely countess' show arrives... and who is in the project room? MOI ! i had absolutely no idea.... the countess and i will be showing simultaneously - how divine (and intervented!). i so wish i could get to the desert sooner to wine and dine and laugh and giggle and bask with all of them for the opening.... sigh.... but i will get to see the show at least! our caravan to the desert departs in t-minus a few weeks (note to self: AAA maps, rent a car!). the countess has also finally blessed me w/ some photographs of her and her little doglet (her term). the trade begins in earnest now... hmmm... lovely fairy with furry friend in a wright approved transportation device.... goggles? scarves? red barron? the options seem endless, perfectly silly and exactly as they should be!

i quickly spied a couple former students at Mills today. i got all warm and fuzzy and got hugs and proclimations of being missed. always a nice thing. for a second i was overwhelmed with the thought of how teaching extends your being - your family in a sense - because now there is a set of "students" (in quotes because they are not forever students - and hopefully some will move into the friend category as i have been lucky enough to do w/ some dear professors) to whom i will always feel connected - and today it really hit home that they will feel the same of me. i think this is also because i am in serious anticipation of this new crop - new school, new faces, new ideas, new possibilites.... what to do with all this newness and potential??

enough! i should be in bed, or returning emails to VIP's or coming up w/ those damn syllabi!


Anonymous said…
teaching affords one the opportunity to create progeny who will remember their teacher with affection and try to live up to what they believe was the basic lessons they learned. it is a heart warming part of the experience and worth much more than the income one makes from the efforts involved in it.

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