we are going

drawing a day - week 4 Originally uploaded by dressform.

on a summer holiday. if you want to go you'll swim. we're going to london [no we aren't, although that would be grand] and new york city [yes!!] and we'll take a little piece of both of em!

remember that song? :) it is bouncing in my brain as i prepare for my mini-vacation to NY... yay! i am so excited to be out of my element - headed to a place that is stimulating beyond belief. i will see art, friends, meet the countess and green girl at long last, see more art... look at cool shoes.... have smart and snappy conversations, ride subways, walk until my feet hurt... miss home [my hubby, the garden, and the pets]... not think about the PILE of things i have to get done [at least try not to].... hee hee hee

to be honest - it is a tad strange to be writing about NY on this day, huh? it's hard to believe that so much time has gone by and that we have a current national disaster that keeps reminding us of 9/11/01. i am going to refrain from politicizing at the moment... nothing seems right to say, really. weeeelll, excpet for this: if nothing else i truly hope that as a nation we will no longer try to pretend that racism and classism doesn't exist in this country. and that we look beyond the politics of this situation to actually attempt to change and grow...i wish i had a new way to heal greiving hearts and minds... but i don't. enough said.

so above is this week's set of drawings. i have decided that this project deserves it's own section on my website... so i built a "drawing a day" portfolio - you can get to it from my home page - or my portfolio page . Of course you can still check them out in a flickr set too. [yes, overkill, but... forgive me]

so i may or may not blog while gone... [bets?? i probably will] i'm sure i will fall behind on flickring and reading what everyone else is up to but it will be fun to catch up! OK, i have to tackle some tasks before i leave... [i stupidly made a sticky note of what i need to do for clients.... ugh! on the flipside i have a sticky notes of trades i have to finalize when i get home! i prefer that list!!]


andrea said…
oh, yay for you! yay! I heart ny. I am planning to make a trip up there in november (visit my bro)... can't stop thinking about it! we'll have to trade info-- fave spots/shopping/restaurants and such. looking forward to hearing all about it...!
Anonymous said…
I love the drawing a day!! I think my favorites are the dolly ones and those that are on the ledger (?) paper.
So excited to meet you!!
Anonymous said…
oh have a GREAT time!!!!! how wonderful. nothing better than nyc! if i was not going back to chicago {yes, one again, ugh} i would come to meet up with you. i'm only 5 hours north.
lovely lovely ... have so much fun, mav
Anonymous said…
Have a wonderful time!
Nothing like NYC - I loved being an au pair there, best year of my life. Wave for me when you pass East 77th. Street. :) Have a save return.
Anonymous said…
lucky you...have a great holiday!
Anonymous said…
ooh, love the drawings!!
have a great time away, AND I LOVE MY STUFF!!!! i love it all! thankyou!
i am posting it now!

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