shop till you drop

abby-normal new bags Originally uploaded by dressform.

so... if you are on my email list and oh so know about this already... sorry! i'm plastering, blasting, and shouting from the rooftops: *new* nEw NeW stuff [t-shirts - in 2 new styles - the frenchy and pony + all the old favs, bags - and cute smaller bags now] available now [say it in your best commercial voice] at abby-normal . which hopefully [if still successful] will be named something else by the years end.... but that's another story. if you are in a shopping mood, or need a gift, or insert your reason here.... please consider shopping from me! :)

end of ad!

we have yet to really experience fall here. it's very strange. the weather is crisper, but it's almost 80 degrees! mama nature is pulling a fast one. i am surely a weather wimp, but a bit of chill and a smidge of rain would be nice... otherwise i'm going to start to think i live in LA the land of the 365 day a year flip flop as accessory.

i have such a stack of grading... from here on out it's almost all grading all the time... ok i jest... but really there's 15 sketchbooks in my living room and the next class' sketchbooks are due in a week.... uh yeah - the next time a student rolls their eyes at how much work i assign i will roll them right back and say - who do you think looks at and comments on all this stuff?? and i signed on for 3 classes next quarter. did i sniff glue?? no... it will be good. i have taught all 3 before - hopefully i will have a few of the same good students again.... [and even more hopefully have scared off the bad ones!]

no more typing... things to do!


Anonymous said…
firstly I love the new stuff!
mother nature has been on a bit of holiday - strange weather - then it spins around in one day to nomal, or rather what you expect.
once the grading is done the holiday starts right??
What classes are you teaching next quarter?
Anonymous said…
the new abby normal stuff looks great - especially the ponies!
andrea said…
oh my goodness, I love EVERYTHING... and with my birthday coming up, I'm shopping for myself! well, okay and maybe a coupla of pals. love the bags, love the tees! and the baby tees (SO CUTE)!...
LadyLinoleum said…
Pulling out my wallet and going over there...

Hey, it is like close to 90 down here. Unbelievable. It's November for goodness sakes!

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