drawing a day ~ week 21

drawing a day ~ week 21 Originally uploaded by dressform.
it's hard to believe i'm almost 1/2 way through this excercise... this week is so pale... it's also reserved. not sure exactly how that came about - but that's what i see....
the next couple of colors seem harder. i love brown, but i'm not really drawn to use brown in an artistic sense. after brown comes gray and black - which i'm actually curious to see - since i think they will really emphasize the line quality. a black doily.... gothic!
i got thru a stack of grading today. for my beginning design class.... dare i say i'm a bit hopeful? now if i can keep them motivated....
this little target is up for auction on ebay i gave it to fancy mag to help raise money for Megan Dooley's cancer treatment fund. it's a good cause. the bidding is starting at $25. you should go see what else they have if you don't have a hankering for my piece!
i'm a bit excited about the crab i am going to have for dinner.... so bye!
yeah for a good class!!
love that target piece!
I found a picture of a doily wallpaper in a magazine that I wanted to show you - I hope I'll get a decent photo since the scanner has been broken for ages...
I always wanted to ask - do your students know about your blog??? :)