southeast :: hallway

southeast :: hallway Originally uploaded by dressform.
i see this little still life everytime i exit our upstairs bathroom. it's this tiny narrow hallway that is really pretty dark and used to be dreary.... until i set this up. i think that's partially why i added the mirrors. hoping to infuse light [that and the monochromatic color scheme... which i wish i could pull off more often!] more amazing nooks here
i have started to think in increments of hours [days seem too long]. what do i need to get done between 8:30-9:30 am [shower, coffee, get dressed, quick email check].... this seems to be working. smaller elements = easier to handle. do you have a trick to break up your day??
oh - i promised inspiration. remember a spell ago i talked about ruth asawa at the de young ? well she had a show at the rena bransten gallery . god i love her stuff.... it is so etherial.... substantial and yet simultaneously delicate. practically perfectly crafted. [can you say that 10 times?] you can tell they are handmade, but they seem like only nature could make them....
see more on flickr
off to LA after class tonight.... super quick visit.... looking forward to seeing my family..... i can't believe i start installing my wall piece NEXT THURS!! i also have more inspiration to show soon!!
People keep telling me to write lists, but doing that just makes my brain whirr more...maybe I should try breaking things down too?..either way, there always seems too little time...:)
Have a great time in LA Lisa..I hope you can get to relax a while there..x
I try and breakdown the projects in small increments, cut the fabric, sew eyes and belly, machine together, sew bottom, next....small works for me too!
I love all the corners of your cozy, so much to see, so much taste and character. I wish our home was so sophisticated (in the best sense)!
So grateful that you introduce us to all these amazing artists - it seems all shows in Berlin museums are huge have an event character...not my cup of tea.
Have fun in LA (and try to relax a bit)! Hugs!