spt 19

spt 19 Originally uploaded by dressform.
so personal history?? i love old photos. they almost always look cooler to me than newer photos. esp. the teeny tiny ones that have those deckled edges.....
instead of showing you an old photo i'm showing an art piece based on an older photo. it's a stretch, but it's what first came into my head. i had been doing "portraits" of random little girls in embroidery - funny hats, odd clothing.... always showing the backside [there's a long explanation for this, but i'll skip it for now] and always faceless because they were meant to be more anonymous and thus "everyone". i then started thinking that i should use the approach for myself - after all in some ways those girls were stand-ins for me.
on a trip home i gathered a bunch of wallet sized photos of me. year after year. i then embroidered them "life size" and i decided i couldn't leave out the features since it was ME. this is the only one of me with my parents.
i don't remember the photo session, but what's funny is i totally remember the shirt i'm wearing in it. it was pink w/ these little pink flowers. i loved it. and i have the requisite plastic head band on [i used to wear the one that was like wonder woman's headband on my forhead and pretend that i was her.... god i loved that. spinning around - throwing some sunglasses to the side and moving the headband from my hair to the forehead. voila. wonder woman]... you can see the whole series of these portraits on my website . other spt's here
so there you have it. started school today. 1st class is the best. yadda yadda yadda - GO! shortest class ever!
Wonderwoman! :) Ha - I pretended to be Piroschka (from the old German movie "I often think of Piroschka" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048193/?fr=c2l0ZT1kZnx0dD0xfGZiPXV8cG49MHxrdz0xfHE9cGlyb3NjaGthfGZ0PTF8bXg9MjB8bG09NTAwfGNvPTF8aHRtbD0xfG5tPTE_;fc=1;ft=20;fm=1) when wearing my red rainboots and my Hungarian blouse...
The red against the white is so visually striking...
...and Wonder Woman (how i loved her and still do!). What a great role model for all 1970's born girls!
I'm curious about the backside showing & whatnot!!!
I hope you have a wonderful first day back!
I too wanted to be wonder woman, and turn and turn as fast as she, and be able to wear that little outfit of hers and not wobble....
I would love to 'hear' more about the idea behind them.
hope your first day was good!
hope that you have a good group of students.
ah, wonder woman. she was indeed the ultimate role model! I had wonder woman underoos and wore them around like an everyday costume. I loved the theme song too! remember the theme song? so cool.
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