insert every known expletive here!!

um.... my laptop died this morning. it's not reading the RAM. according to the genius bar this is a known issue with my generation and so they cover the repair. they don't cover the data backup {because YES even though i do back up i couldn't guarantee that i had EVERYTHING - plus some of the software i have is from school and so i don't have copies of it - and what a pain to have to re-get all those!}. that was a lovely $150.

needless to say i am pretty devestated. i practically feel naked. i still have some internet access {through an old old ibook} - but FYI my posting, me responses to email, my flickr-ing - all will be on a much more limited basis. If i owe you an email, or if you are wondering why i haven't responded, well.... now you know. it could be gone for up to 7-9 days. ugh.

did i say crap already?? i guess the lesson here is BACK UP [everything - not just some things]... and don't become too dependent on your computer [ha ha ha]. i now have to think of all the clients that i need to tell that their projects are not getting done and contact them by the ancient telephone.... or lordy.

please. do pity me!!


Anonymous said…
i shall host a pity party in your honor...hehehe
Anonymous said…
That's what I would have said. I hate those unexpected disasters.
Anonymous said…
ditto what lala said! First we love computers, then we become dependent on them. Once the latter has occured we live life on the edge, so to patient and it'll work out.
Anonymous said…
Ditto what Lala said times ten! God, how sucky! I can totally commiserate having had several technology rages this year. Try to stay sane...
Anonymous said…
maybe this is a little bit of the world trying to tell you to take it easy - or maybe it is just a royal pain in the ass.
either way I HATE when computers break!
Anonymous said…
I´m so sorry!! the worst nightmare - hope you´ll get it worked out soon !!
shari said…
so sorry lisa!!! that totally sucks. it must be so frustrating and infuriating, too. sending you a hug.
xo, shari
Jan Halvarson said…
oh i've had this fear.....yikes! hope it all gets fixed soon!
Anonymous said…
gah! i'm sorry to read this - hope your luck turns around soon

N x
Anonymous said…
I am totally pittying you right now! I hope it gets fixed fast, I don't like you being only partially here ... it's no fun!! (well okay actually it is still a pretty darn good amount of fun I just wanted to get pouty!)
natasha said…
we have had some computers pass away lately and it is torture. i feel for you. may the computer gods smile upon you.
Bri Ana said…
Oooo honey. That sucks.

I love Mac, seriously, and think they are on the whole so much less buggy than other computers - but it would be really nice if they warned you about this stuff. You know, like when you get the part recal notices from the car dealership?
eireann said…

Hope it gets better soon.
Anonymous said…
Argh! I'm so so sorry! I hope you can retrieve all your files, pictures etc. - what a nuisance!!! once happened to me too (altough mine completely kicked the bucket) so I feel your pain. So so sorry again and I hope you had a good shout in the woods or kicked something really hard to get the anger out.
(For two days now my ibook is missing one of its just fell off...Mac=predetermined breaking points? Hm...)
Hope the studio visit went well!
Big big hug...
eireann said…
oh, bummer--I just got your comment and thought maybe you were back!!! well, hope the computer is fixed SOON. and hope you are well, too.

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