drawing a day ~ week 48

holy moly 4 weeks to go. i can definitely see the light at the end of this tunnel. i have already been scheming what to do instead of these... i have a couple of plans with a fellow blogger or two . i've got to stay busy after all !! this week is pretty sparse and monochromatic again. it's funny how i waiver from things being matchy matchy to colorful. i'm staring to liken it to breathing - both feel natural - one is inhale one is exhale.
one opening down! woo. it's funny because i always feel out of sorts at my own openings. it's so nice that people come - look at the work - say nice things.... but i'm always just kind of waiting for them to end. i was super duper happy that lisa came by... and she wore her green shoes [i was wearing mine! actually i was all in green]. i'm pretty honored to be in this show... the 3 other artists lisa kokin , lauren gibbes , and andrew phares are artists whose work i really admire.
my favorite conversation of the night was with this one curator. he's doing a show on the influence of japanese art and asked if i might be interested. he wondered if i felt like there were similarities between my work and japanese art. i told him that often i look at my compositions and then look at traditional screens/scrolls/ink drawings and notice that my sense of space and placement matches up. and not purposefully [meaning i'm not looking at something and trying to mimic it]. obviously cultures have aesthetics but i wonder what the root of that is. where do your thoughts on space, color, style come from - is there some "gene" that draws you to a certain aesthetic? do you get pulled in one direction or another from an internal sense? i started thinking about what if i actually did try to re-make traditional japanese prints or art with my vocabulary. can i tell the tales of genji with doilies????
also... look :: a wee bit of press ::

this is in 7x7 magazine . the mentioning of the polaroids really tickles me...
i am going to take install shots of the limn and after modern shows this week so i'll post those soon!
hope you all are having a good start to your week
i love the drawings and the analogy to breathing.
I think we are so influenced by ideas around us on space, colour and style and the 'internal sense' plays a big part!!!
Love the article..pics..pics..please!!!!
love your thoughts on your art!!
i think there
must be a gene
for your past...
like monarchs
in what
to fly,
they have
been there,
after their
that flight...
so do we
or past
or ancestors
we too
have never
been there
or known them.
on well-deserved
can't wait
to see the show
for getting through the opening (wearing green!)
for the press and for new projects on the horizon!
I love your inhale - exhale in terms of examining your artwork...too perfect.
and I love gwen's thoughts on 'memories' of those that came before us.
love the dollies on the squares of colors...the openness of the dollie with the color block is nice!
take care, g
(P.S. I feel mighty uncomfortable at openings too... I try to pretend that they are Louise's openings only... one of the (many) benefits of working collaboratively.)
Cheers, Louise
So, so delighted to read your well deserved press...go Lisa {aka genius gal}!! - and your drawings this wk are fab to boot...only 4 weeks to go, how did that happen so fast??
Mmmm, yes, openings...I always want to run a mile. I always feel so uncomfortable...award nights are even worse. akk. How come it's no fun, just when you should be able to sit back, relax and savour all your hard work.....?? oh well, another plight of the artist egh? :)))
Can't wait to see some shots from the show!
..now, I don't want to leave the comments box..I may not get back in!! eekkk
..so long! xx
julie... :) glad green is OK [i realized i don't really have too much blue....]
maditi... blush blush...
pat... yes... it's odd how you have to CONCENTRATE on breathing isn't it?
oh gwenn... i love that echo thought. beautiful!!
kelly - thanks! i hope my week keeps kickin butt too :)
jeez blair... more blushing! photos VERY soon!
wendy... thank you thank you thank you [i thought of you as i wore the green!]
erin... thanks. you could do a shorter term of drawing a day... 3 weeks?? but wait until AFTER your wedding!
thanks ky!
gracia... oh i like that idea... whose opening can i pretend it is?? hmmm will have to think on that....
thanks louise! pink is always good to me!
hi hi hi dear abigail! glad you made it back!!! don't leave. you don't ever have to leave :D xoxo
you ask some very interesting questions regarding style and color choice, sense of design and preference... fascinating, actually. I'm no scholar but I believe there is a little bit in us that is passed down through the generations whether it relates to culture or not. what we're visually drawn to, for instance. I'm not a designer but I have such a crazy thing for typography, always have. I even think that it has (in some small way) been represented in my choreography, in my movement preferences. I come from a long line of printers (my grandpa had a printing shop) so you be the judge. :)
the rest comes from what surrounds us from birth and up... and whether or not we choose to embrace those aesthetics and find fresh, new ways to express them... or go running in opposite directions.
extremely interesting, any way you slice it.