drawing a day ~ week 49

drawing a day ~ week 49

hello hot pink... or fuschia to you! next week's color is just one tiny shade darker than this weeks.... i love the subtle shifts of color - tinged a little more gray or red or blue... color is so amazingly powerful. which makes me think of this :: i went to watch matthew barney's drawing restraint 9 - the movie with him and his honey bjork - last week [thank goodness i got out of jury duty, huh?]. after taking my beginning painting students to the physical part of the show i felt compelled to see the movie. it was actually much more linear than i expected [one thread of dare i say a traditional love story?]. i could even predict what was going to happen [not possible in the other barney flicks i've seen]. one thing mr. barney does is make me think. and think on a grand scale. [you could get a headache thinking this hard!] and he does have a lush visual vocabulary. i loved the shots of the japanese dancers... and the pearl diver women.... but my favorite? there was one scene where bjork is cleansing herself in a bath w/ bright yellow lemons in the water... and later men workers in blue [like water] on a ship [more water] with bright yellow hats [like lemons]. that sunk into my psyche like nothing else.... i think, though, i was the only one in the oh so serious museum theatre giggling at parts.... i couldn't help it. i find many a thing absurd. i wonder if mr. barney would approve?

so.... as promised... pics of the show at after modern - you can see more of the other artist's work in the show here

meded targets x 4
4 mended targets [i'll post details on flickr later this week if you are interested]. targets courtesy of the fabulous wenders !

after modern ~ bed wall
the bed drawing wall

after modern ~ brown and blue beds
detail of the beds painted on the wall

chair drawing ~ chariot wheel
chair drawing in the show

bed drawing ~ chevy chase
bed drawing [chevy chase doily]

bed drawing ~ pinwheel
bed drawing #2 [pinwheel doily]

bed drawing ~ pinwheel detail [so you can see the thread]
a detail of the bed b/c you can't see the thread in any photo [sigh here]

so.... the flag has been thrown... challenge accepted.... i will reveal the deep dark secrets of my coat addition.... and alicia has promised to show hers as well. i realized i have a problem. and there is no re-hab that is going to fix me.... stay tuned....

i know you know, but maria is the guest design sponge blogger this week.... i'm already drooling!

happy monday!


I hope you know just how amazing you are...


shari said…
your work just blows me away! i can't tell you how much i love it all. bravo to you my dear!! bring on the coats!! xo s
Anonymous said…
those drawing of the beds for your show are fabulous!
you a quite amazing...
I love the thread detail on the headboard in your sketch! and the repeating dots...getting lighter and darker...lovely!
Anonymous said…
Ohhhhhh Lisa..i am just in love with your furniture pieces...in lurve....absolutely beautiful!!!!!
I saw the post about you on 'Oh Joy'...i felt like the proud aunt!!!
Jan Halvarson said…
that chair drawing is so so dreamy lisa - gasp!
Anonymous said…
THANKS for the shots of your lovely beds! I look forward to reading about your "coat addiction."
Marieke said…
Lovely! I really like your drawings (just came across your Flickr-set). Thanks for the inspiration.
trudesign said…
Your work is so awesome, I LOVE the beds!
k.c.k. said…
hey there! i love the beds as well...so beautiful!

i'm sure mr. barney would TOTALLY approve of your giggles. i giggled also. i was a beautiful film, but i think i'm more in love with some of the earlier ones in the series.
Anonymous said…
the photos of your show look awesome - adore the bed drawing wall!!
about the barney movie, makes me want to see workers with yellow hats :)
Anonymous said…
May I lie down on that wonderful work of yours?
It is really inviting...
Anonymous said…
I'd listening to the drawing restraint 9 cd this morning when I stumbled onto your posting... the music alone is so very visual.
And speaking of visuals... loved seeing your work here... a wonderful trio of floating chairs.
see you, g
lisa solomon said…
abigail... as amazing as YOU?

shari... thank you thank you

wendy... the dots are one of my favs too

julie... aw thanks.... a proud aunt! i love that!

jan.... thanks !

pat... on the way....

marieke... thanks for your visit and kind comment!

trudesign... thank you so much

k.cooper... i wish you were there to giggle w/ me... i swear i was the ONLY one!

maditi... be on the lookout! :) [for yellow hats]

paula... yes of course

gracia... how funny that you were listening to that record! the music is really incredible and goes well with the film... my fav. being w/ the pearl divers again.... there's something about the pacing of that part.... xo

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