drawing a day ~ week 50

drawing a day ~ week 50

hello?? it's only been a bit over a week and somehow that seems like both an eternity and a blink of an eye. i'm going to have trouble keeping my thoughts organized, so i apologize in advance for the strange turns this post may take.

first... i can not properly express how important and wonderful and appreciated your comments and emails and continuing "check-ins" with me and the moe situation have been. your words and understanding and sympathy and poetry have been helpful in ways i can't possibly explain. thank you all from the bottom of my heart. i started catching up with your blogs this weekend, and i hope to get back to my regular reading and commenting this week. flickr is a whole nother matter. i don't know how i'm going to catch up there, but i'm letting it go.

second... above are the drawings from 2 weeks ago. i couldn't do them last week. i just couldn't. but it's sort of funny to look at these with fresh eyes. the first one is on some amazing grid paper that shari sent me a bit ago. she also sent some bingo papers [amongst other goodies] and my brain is spinning on how to use those.... i'm hoping that you still want to do a show and tell with those bingo pieces when they are finished? [she kept some for herself and sent some to another pal] yes shari yes?? other than that mostly i keep thinking about how this drawing a day is almost over and i'm tempted to go back and look at what i was drawing one year ago on this day.... and what - if anything - i should do with this years worth of drawings. should i try to show them all? what would that look like? should i curate the doilies out... or the floral ones... what other themes would i find in the midst of these stacks of papers with dangly threads?

third... also w/ shari in mind. i have the history of love in my hands. it's the new "book club" book. should we start next monday? for those of you that asked... the book club is this really loose idea. we all read a book at approximately the same time [and the pace isn't too fast since i don't have much time to read fiction anymore]. i will post quotes or thougths about the book as we go along. if you are reading feel free to do the same on your blog. it's a less organized, less structured version of a book club [although honestly i'd love to have a pot luck and get us all in the same room]. if you've already read the book and have something to contribute to the discussion at anytime... PLEASE do... we could try and have us all bringing up the book on the same day.... like fridays? or whatever.

so what else happened this past week? let's see.... i met the fantastic gwen .


she not only came to my bedford gallery opening with me - staying the ENTIRE time - she made incredibly astute comments. and carried knitting around with her [cute cute cute]. it's hard to describe what she's like other than she's MORE than what she is on her blog. because you can see her eyes moving in thought... and you can feel how caring she is [plus we talked about coats.... apparently she has a collection that might rival mine . she returns at the end of this week and i'm really looking forward to spending more time with her. on friday it will be a bloggy evening with my name twin [who's apartment was featured on apartment therapy! ] and shash [whose last post on being in-between really spoke to me]. above is gwen and myself getting ready to devour our gimlets. i KNEW we'd be fast friends as we debated what to order and settled on the gimlet...

what else happened? i turned a year older. [hands down the best card i got was from abee. other folks celebrating birthdays? tracy , karen, arc , and tomorrow.... eireann . yay for libras!! i got some nice crafty gifts from hubby. i got myself a zoom lens for the nikon [yeah swoon]... i got a few other nice things from nice folks.... i'll try and share soon.

what else?? natalie is back....design* sponge opened a shop [this is incase you've been under a rock - like the one i've been under]

...and i started teaching. i have a drawing class and a design class for this quarter, but learned today that i most likely won't have any classes for next quarter. due to budget restraints and low enrollment in the art departement they cut the classes to the bare bones. as an unentitled lowly lecturer i get the short end of that stick. time to pound the pavement i guess. i know that these things come at you for a reason - so maybe i'll find a great design gig for the winter - or maybe i'll sell some art... or?? i guess we'll have to see what life throws me....

i leave you with some sweet italian peppers from my yard.... [goodness it's almost time to do the big fall overhaul back there....]


i hope to be back to more regular posting again. thanks again for everything my friends! xo


Anonymous saidā€¦
Hello Lisa! So nice to hear from you, I can honestly say there is an energy that is missing when you're not actively participating in our little blog world. So, I'm happy you're peeking in. Happy belated birthday to you! I have even more of a reason to get that little package sent off in the mail to you now, it will get there one of these days, I promise. biggest hugs!!
Oh Lisa you know I love and adore you so very much! Thank you again a million times! I am so happy that you are back!

You are always in my thoughts and in my heart! HUGS HUGS HUGS
Anonymous saidā€¦
all so true. you are a gem. can't wait to see you friday. i am fighting big time fatigue right now so i am looking forward to a mello evening with you incredible people.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Lisa, i missed you...and as you say in the US..you ROCK!!
Your attitude to not having any classes to teach next term is just amazing..i will take a leaf from your beautiful book if thats ok!
Happy belated birthday to you..enjoy all your pressies!!
Big hugs, julie xxx
shari saidā€¦
hi sweet lisa,
gosh how i've missed you. you have been on my mind every day. hope you are doing well. yes, history of love! let's start monday and perhaps do some sort of reflecting on fridays. great idea. and yes on the bingo papers...gwen doesn't have hers yet but will have them soon. :) i love the garden as the season turns. so calming to see the ebb and flow of life.
sending hugs! shari
ps: fantastic drawings. so happy to see that you've used the graph paper!!
sarah saidā€¦
so wonderful to hear from you again, i love week 50... happy happy birthday wishes, hope this week is filled with beauty xxx
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi Lisa,
A wonderful week... full of catch-ups and birthdays ("hip, hip, hooray" from me), drawings and new prospects. Your posts always make me feel as though I'm in another country, in another pocket of the globe... and just what I needed today.
Enjoy those peppers and all the season brings...
take care, g
Marieke saidā€¦
What a great drawing again - love it! Since I read this one, I will join in with the next book, ok? Sounds like fun!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Lisa - OMG, birthday hugs, you knwo the type of hugs I'm talking about ;). Kisses too.n x
Anonymous saidā€¦
happy birthday to you!! enjoy a lovely birthday week :) I love that nothing getĀ“s you down - should work on my attitude too ;)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi Lisa,
I've just been to Gwen's blog and read all about your catch up. It's so weird I feel like I'm over there with everyone.
Love the photo of your home grown peppers they are just so vibrant.
Cheers, LJ
zelia saidā€¦
I'm very glad to see you back again.

Happy belated birthday, and the drawings are gorgeous. I love the moth especially, and the graph paper one too...oh and the fuschia...and well just all of them.
Tiffany saidā€¦
wonderful to see you back! now that i'm taking a drawing class, i have a new appreciation for your drawings and find myself going back to past posts to pour (say that 5 times fast) over them once again!

seems you have some incredible stuff going on and i can't wait to see what you and shari create with the bingo papers!

Anonymous saidā€¦
oh dear!
How could I miss your lovely bday?
I have the perfect little tiny thing I've wanted to send you, I must go and mail it now! It is nice to see you back, I am glad thatsome sad times were followed by great company. Look forward to seeing you more!
Anonymous saidā€¦
was thinking of you on your day - hope it was a lovely one. (i can't seem to find your address in the mess that is my desk - pass it on when you have the chance...) have to repeat - i think that the thread on the the anthro catalog page is just brilliant!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the welcome back!

I didn't know it was your birthday or I would have been making a trip to the post office - hope you had a lovely birthday

Those cocktails are making me thirsty :)
stephanie saidā€¦
happy birthday and welcome back. i've been under a rock a bit too. i think you should publish your weekly drawing as a book. i would love to flip through them all.

wish i could join everyone this weekend. have a great time.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I'm SO glad to see you back. I quite often thought of you these past few days.
I have just finished the history of love but I would like to go over it again. It would be good to get some things clearer.
So I will try to post my ideas on the book starting next Monday...can't promisse though, because I'm in a middle of a house move and I may not be able to do this...but I'll try.
And it would be very interesting to read everyoneĀ“s thougths on it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry I'm late :) but I didn't know...so you are also a libra? Hummmm...the most important people in my life are libras :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
hello loveliness...happy birthday...love the drawings...just two more weeks...I'll miss them.
love the circles on the shari paper!
so glad you had gwen in your corner for the opening...such a great support...and look at those yummy drinks.
or maybe since you don't have a gig...you can take a wee little break?

your peppers are 'hot'
Anonymous saidā€¦
hai Lisa, hope you had a wonderful birthday and that you ate lots of cake :) So happy you are back, I always love reading your posts. - And I am in with 'the history of love' for sure, looking forward to start reading...
cindy saidā€¦
happy belated to you lisa. i feel like making a fancy drink tonight to celebrate you. congrats on the almost completion of your weekly drawings. what a feat!
hugs to you.
Hiya beautiful,

I wanted to tell you about this site I just found they have some fabulous questions about a good number of books and I thought you might find one worth posting about for your book club. Sadly the History of Love does not seem to be on the list but I am going to keep looking.


This also reminds me that I was curious ha ha ... Have you read "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime?" If not, it might be a good choice when you run out of other books! Hugs Hugs Hugs!
Oooh aha found it! I am hoping to read along (fingers crossed)


Oooh hugs!
Anonymous saidā€¦
lisa! { happy happy birthday! } i'm so glad you're back, and full of whirlwind tales to tell. i've missed you.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Yay! so nice to have you back ;) & Happy Birthday!
Email me your address, I have something for ya!

Also I ordered The History of Love, I should receive it next week, I'm so excited! I will be joining the discussion ;)

hugs to you,

p.s. lovely drawings!
lisa solomon saidā€¦
i am OVERWHELMED again you guys.... um thanks for such an enthusiastic welcome and plethora of b-day wishes! :D

blair, christine and lisa... thank you.... blair - take your time! no hurry

julie... please yes... take a leaf [i am NOT always so great in attitude... best foot forward here]

shari... can't wait till we show all our bingo stuff! and yay for the book club!

thanks sarah and alyssa!

gracia... that's how i feel when i read you! like i'm transported... :)

marieke:: you are welcome to join on any book any time!

nicole... oh yeah. how could i have a b-day w/out the boobie hug?

xo maditi!

louise - i wish you were over here!

thanks meredith.... so kind....

tiffany... oh yay! you are drawing! that's so great!! thanks for past post pouring [can't even say it once]

abby.... no need for anything.... xoxo

thanks tracy! xo

natalie.... if only we could devour drinks together

stephanie - that is such a fantastic idea... now how do i make that happen??

paula... no stress about the book - i think we will post thoughts on fridays... good luck moving! yikes! and yes - a libra! :D

wendy - i wish - but i don't think i can afford a break... maybe if i pinch pennies....

hey daphe - thanks....glad you will read long!

cindy! ooohhh what kind of drink did you have?

thanks jerushua.... missed you too!

hi ashb... will not turn ANYTHING down from you.... and yay! you are reading!
andrea saidā€¦
oh man, I'm late all over the place with all my words but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! the world is a better place with you in it. xoxo

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