step two :: hang out with blog girls

happy birthday lisa bird

thurs night was spent celebrating a birthday for a special bird . we passed the time drinking sparkly wine, eating delicious homemade sushi, and chatting about all things crafty, worldy, arty, and social. there is nothing like spending time with extra , smart , special, wonderfully wacky women. women who are fearless. women who have a sense of humor. women who defend one another. women who are creative and sensitive and caring with every inch of their beings.


it is so special to be in someone like diana's home . everything is cared for. eating off dishes she crafted with her own hands is such a treat. [i want my own set darn it!]. and she is an amazing hostess. never a dry glass or an empty plate or a story-less minute.

blogger gals

as someone who can easily coccoon and recluse it is nights like these where i remember how important human contact can be. how we humans really are pack animals to an extent. and how sometimes it is the act of laughing, sharing, listening, eating TOGETHER that can recharge your battery. thank you friends. thank all of you. i'm working my way back into inhabiting this space as i need and want to.

definitely go check out ship of fools . the adorable karen has joined our ship and wrote a fantastic post yesterday. i have to grab my book and comment. she really got me thinking!

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