um... all about me?

doily prize

are you ready for some shame-less self promotion? first though - THANK YOU so much for your repsonse to shari and my project! we are thrilled that you are so on board with us. it feels amazing. [no pressure, right? no pressure]

second miss gracia wins the prize for correctly guessing what i was recording.... i was counting the emails that i got [in different accounts] every day. gracia... email me to claim your prize [and this isn't a nigerian wire money to an offshore account scam].

so... i know many of you already know this, but i thought i should talk about it here too - incase. [and this is where i start to blush]. jan the brilliance behind poppytalk - one of my alltime favorite design blogs asked if i'd do an interview with her. she published it yesterday on design sponge's guest blog . thank you jan for asking whip smart questions and for being a big cheerleader of my work. it really means a lot to me.


on that post jan also revealed my latest web-endeavor when it comes to my work. i now have some work on the beholder . i'm really excited about this - i see so much work i just love on that site. i also love the idea of making art available and affordable. suzanne [the owner] tells me that she's been making sales to nice folks all over the country and even in far away places - so cool! i hope my work finds happy homes.

also yesterday i was blown away by jenny's drawing of me. she asked if she could draw my portrait and well.... jenny i love what you did. you are a huge talent, a kind soul, and a wonderful artist!

i think, friends that this may be it for this week. i am feeling the crunch of deadlines and the like. i will try to poke around internet land, but if you notice i'm absent - you know why! happy wednesday! [thanks for sticking thru all the me me me]



Anonymous said…
oh no apologies for me me me...i LOVE it all! These new colour swatch pieces are wonderful - so simple and beautiful!!!!
The portrait Jenny did is really amazing and i will go and read the interview in a min.
I love all of your work - i love the connections you make!!
just continue as youre doing xxx
Tracy said…
these colour swatch piece are amazing lisa. really really good. did you get to meet judith? i'll email you soon... xo
hannah said…
i will chime in too, i love the new pieces so much. someday, i promise, i will have a lisa solomon in my home!
Anonymous said…
Yes, yes, it is all about Lisa! Such well-deserved press. Your work is beautiful + inspiring + original!
bugheart said…
what could be
more fun
all about you?

i am DYING
over your
golden cricket
and the series
on paint chips...
are you
doing those
for a show?
are so beautiful...
i don't know
to say.
Anonymous said…
YAY!! You you you!

I want more more more! Checked our your stuff at the beholder...It's quite gorgeous...

Going to hear your check out d*s guest blog now!
amy said…
what an amazing week! saw your interview and LOVE your new beautiful. you really are such a talent! Relax and enjoy!
Anonymous said…
congrats! it is all very well deserved

PS I adore (j'adore!) your paint chip series - wow the clouds...every one blows me away
Anonymous said…
Amazing art- just amazing. I love the paint chips, I clicked on over and saw all of them. And congrads on the guest blog!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the lovely interview and your new series at the beholder... beautiful beautiful work!
amisha said…
so happy for you this week with all this wonderful and well-deserved press! the interview at d*s was great... what a treat to click over and see some of the process that goes into your work. i love the doilies and the paint chip embroidery!
Anonymous said…

you deserve it!


i just adore the paint chip/cards, they are each so amazing, delicate...beautiful!!
Jan Halvarson said…
it was easy to do - that interview lisa, and i too love the new paint chip embroidery pieces - interviewing you, i realize how much thought goes into your work!

i look forwrd to seeing jenny's portrait!

congratulations on beholder.
jen said…
congrats on all the great things coming your way!! very well deserved. LOVE this new paint chip series-especially the yellow! have a nice week. xo
Anonymous said…
nothing wrong with self promotion! esp. when it's such awesome news as these things :) Congrats on all the great press and oh how I love that goldfish!

told you, you are a total hepcat!

Anonymous said…
Jimminy flammin' crickets!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the paint chip embroideries Lisa! Might fine work gal. nx
Marieke said…
Beautiful new work! Loved the interview too xxx
paula said…
Oh! I need to check all those links about you. Please, please just give me couple of days :)
Interesting work this you present here. The way you decide to stitch on cards,'s so creative.
Anonymous said…
me me me is totally okay - you are one of the few people I want to know as much as possible about! I absolutely adore the paint chips, so glad everything is going so well. Jennys drawing is so stunning. And she is absolutely right about you and is in the works...XXX
Veronica TM said…
I love your new paint chip pieces! Good luck with your deadlines.
Off to read your interview.
crap, im slow! forgive a girl?

But, I want to make it official in every place I can [;)]....I love these! Huge congrats on the series again m'dear and on the beholder, it is a great site..they, and you rock!

[ world you know you dooooOOOOO....sorry for the sudden does of MJ] ;)

Anonymous said…
Me, me, me... I love, love, love your me, me, me! And I've been somewhat absent from the ol' computer because I've been (me, me, me) a little swamped with work. But, now, what I really wanted to say was - OH! MY! GOSH! I WON! Wow... I'm in shock, I'm in disbelief... Aside from my fingers on the keyboard, the rest of me is on the floor... I'm completely floored!
take care, g xo
(Love the new paint chip works too... that goldfish coming apart at the seams especially... beautiful, clever, you!)
Cally said…
Lisa your paint chips are STUNNING (i think I overuse that word re your work, but it's TRUE). Can I post a pic of the fish and the clouds with likns to you and beholder on my blog? They totally go with the colours of my last post, I love how colours come together at the same time. x

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