simulacra of a simulacra?
i'm going to go all over the place with this post....
ONE :: i really enjoyed all the responses to "collection". dawn shared some of her collections which was great. camilla has an art project that has to do with collections. it seems like many of us here in blogland have a penchant for them. i have a feeling this subject shall pop up again [aren't i supposed to show you all my rings?]
TWO :: above is one the last of my albuquerque pictures. [wow that seems like eons ago now]. the last day we were there we went to cliff's amusement park .
i have to say.... it kind of seemed like a west coast version of coney island . except for that it's the simulacra of it. [ok - if you haven't been subjected to baudrillard's simulacra theory - this will make no sense - but if you have....] does this make cliff's a double simulacra? of course you must first believe the suggestion that disneyland [all amusement parks] are simulacras - but i do subscribe to that notion. so then is cliff's a simulacra of a simulacra [can you say that 10 times fast?] is that like a DOUBLE NEGATIVE? i can't quite wrap my head around what that might mean, but it sounds all heady and philosophical no? for more coney island goodness you can see my photos from my visit there here . and you can see the lovely abee's drool worthy coney island materpieces here . then compare them to cliff's and see what you think.
THREE :: theoretical mishaps and meanderings seem to be all the rage with me the last few day. this is what happens to me when i don't get enough studio time. my mind goes on overdrive - i can't MAKE stuff so i THINK stuff. the entire gruelling commute this morning i was trying to be zen - to not get angry with the endless line of autos and the idiots that cut everyone off - and thus my mind started to race... i look for similarities in things - how things might relate to one another [oh that song has the word that shari and i are documenting this week!]. i make stupid geeky puns to myself that no one else would even smirk at. i wonder about the the farm bill and how we as a nation can continue to subgigate the poor to the worst possible food choices .
ok - enough talk? more pictures? i'm happy to oblidge.
i think this one is one of my favorites from the trip.
ok. i gotta get back to work.... have a good thursday!
I have a dislike for clowns and this photo is fantastic - emphasising the 'freakyness' - it reminds me a little of a photo i took once (i will show it to you) xxx
we do seem
to have
a penchant
for collections...
i love the polaroids...
i could use
a trip
an amusement park!
hope you are getting
some things
off your desk!
and i've been thinking a lot about collections since your post. i may have to take some pictures of mine soon.
great post!
have a great day!
the color in your polaroids adds a lot to the depth and forgotten-ness of the place.
beautiful captures...
Go create something! Make time for your studio! In sharing your theoretical meanderings, I was transported back to University and midnight discussions steeped in Nietzsche and Descartes, about existence and perception. Now my head is spinning!
The picts rock!
simulacra theory - i'm going to have to read up - sounds intriquing though
but i do have to say - simply love your polaroids - great faded colors going on!
Can you say (ir)rational fear? *smile*
Hugs lovely lovely girl!!
really want to go to cliff´s too :)
those polaroids are just so amazingly special and unique...a hint of dreamy days as a child i feel from them...
so glad i came across ur site...
wonderful inspirations...thank u,
i will be back,
x x kazzy x x
A world that is more-real-than-real, bravo!
take care, g xo
jen... yes coney is dark, but there's something real about the seedy side of amusement parks, no?
julie... i LOVED your photo. thank you for sharing it...
hi erin... thank you!
bug - i hope you get to go to a park... take some time off..
meg... i know what you mean about hating them. i actually kind of love to hate them. looking forward to your collections
risa... i dunno what a double simulacra is - that's part of what i'm trying to figure out... baudrillard is a bit on the complex side, but as i read and re-read him he makes more sense to me... i LOVE that your frail granny liked the cyclone
thanks wenders....
bablefish... i know - polaroids - magic, right?
tiff... zen time. yes. i wish i could just make some time!!!
jan... hee hee. thank's for liking the pics
hi vv - so - something against clowns, hun? *smile* back
hi maditi! the yellow table reminded me of your beach table shots...
hi kazzy... thanks for stopping by and such the kind words!
gracia... XOXO thinking of you and installing!
hi janet... thanks....
alyssa.... i'd love to have some simulacra tea with you!
vanessa... overdrive is the way to be man ! :D
hi blair. i love the image of you as andie mcdowell.... XOXO
have you read about the disney town in florida, celebration? it is all planned/owned by disney but it is a real actual town. e's sister lives there... simulacra heaven!