off they flew

hello there. first before i forget - thanks for being glad the documentary project is back and thanks for all the support on my print. i'm shocked at how quickly the stitched print sold out. it's really so nice! if i had known i would have made the stitched edition larger - as so many kind people have emailed saying they want a stitched one. because of that... i'm generating a list of folks who want to be the first to know when a stitched print launches again. i'm thinking it will be very very similar to the last print - just a different colorway. email me if you want on that list.
now... i'm very excited to announce that i'm part of a show at the little bird gallery where the proceeds benefit griffith park - which suffered greatly in the fire in LA a few months ago. i remember being in that park as a child actually......
what is really great is that wendy , gwen , alena , jessica , and ali are all in the show too. as well as mylissa - who runs the gallery, and her husband! it should be a really fun show. plus it's a good cause. each bird is $100.

this is what i ended up doing to my bird. this was actually the piece i used to get back into studio mode from japan. i was cleaning the studio and going through all this yarn and i thought... hey.... let's wrap the bird. i thought about the idea of growth - rebirth after a fire - and so it's variegated green... with little buds of felt growth. i might have been channelling christo ... heh heh. but really i think a lot about wrapping and what it means. it's protective - it's decorative - it can be too tight.... you get the idea.
be sure and contact the gallery if you are interested in getting a bird and helping a good cause.
happy wednesday!
best wishes getting back into the studio, too!
Lots of hugs, A.
your piece...
heh heh
i thought
of knitting
it a little suit.
Such a good cause and idea.
We had a similar idea with cows and penguins all over T.A.
Have a lovely weekend xx
anke... looking forward to an email...
pat... yup - all of that. griffith park is pretty cool.