not local

green and grey chairs

these chairs will be in richard levy gallery's room at the jupiter hotel art fair in portland this weekend. i wish i could visit them in person, but alas.... if someone makes it to the fair i'd love to know what it was like. there's a great list of participating galleries.

more polaroids from japan for you::

a shrine's collection

i saw this a lot. for some reason people seem to pile rock on rock sculptures and around shrines.

tanaka roof

by foot

a collection of shoes hanging from a shrine gate

give em enough rope

and.... ash posted on our new book over on ship . have a great weekend.


bugheart said…
i thought
the rocks
were offerings
or a symbol
that you
had been there...
i so want
to go
back to
eshu said…
first of all those two pieces may just be my very favorite of yours... ever... stunning and fresh.

as for the shrines, i love the polas...

and as for the rocks, though this might not be at all why the Japanese do it, i know that in Jewish culture (or maybe just my family?) people leave rocks on loved one's graves to let them know they paid a visit.

have a great weekend! xo
Anonymous said…
i have to agree with eshu...these pieces are incredible; love the crisp colors and negative space, definately my favorites so far.

and can i just say that i had no idea the jupiter was having an art fair this weekend... oh i really really hope it's still in full swing on sunday, because it's my only day off. i can't wait to see your work in person!

also, the polas of the hanging shoes are some of the most beautiful images i've seen in a long while.

thanks for the wonderful post. :)
Anonymous said…
Love your artwork, so delicate and springy :) Thank you for sharing more beautiful polaroids from Japan, really fascinated by the collection of shoes on the shrine gate.
Anonymous said…
Piles of rocks seem so comfortable to be for some reason... I love your polaroid shots all the time!!! I wish I was in Portland this weekend.. There are a few wonderful things going on, and I would have to sneak in savoring your work!! Alas, I am not there, so I will dream.... xxo
Susan Schwake said…
i wish i could be everywhere and this post confirms it!
your work inspires me.
Anonymous said…
i love your new work, especially the one on the left.
i am excited for the day i get to see some of your work in person.
Anonymous said…
Loving the spring-like colours indeed! Especially now that it's starting to get cold.

Did you find out why they hang shoes on the shrine? Curious to know...
comfies said…
lisa! these are such beautiful pieces! wonderful! and i love the polaroids too....
julie said…
Oh Lisa you work is simple your consistency. And the polas are gorgeous - my fave is the one of hanging shoes...
Hope you are having a great weekend xxx
paula said…
"a conversation of chairs" ... sorry but that's what came to mind when I saw this great work of yours.
congratulations on your work being in the fair. it must feel strange not to be able to attend though.
you keep on tempting me with Japan :)
those 2 polaroids with the shoes hanging reminded me of Eva Hesse's work which you know so well.
but here is the link
lisa solomon said…
gwen... i want to go back too

liz. blushing... thanks.... and thanks to you and bug for the rocks ideas. i think you might be right

hi andrea... thanks for your kind words

babel :)

vanessa - i know... something about piles of rocks

susan :) thank you so much.

risa - i'm excited to see YOU in person

hi karen - i'm not sure why all the shoes are there - i'm going to guess it has to do w/ pilgramidge. it was the only shrine that i went to that had shoes....

thanks comfies... :) we should compare japan photos!

hi julie dear... xo

paula.... conversation indeed - also time passing.... you MUST go to japan - i think you'd love it. and YES eva. my love. of course.... xoxo
Anonymous said…
I'd gladly pop along to the fair if I could... perhaps next time, eh?
More beautiful Japanese polaroids too. So many wondrous things to catch up on in your little blog world.
see you, g xx
Oh Lisa...that new piece - hubba hubba. Oh-so good! :)

Loving the Japanese pola's too. You + pola's are always such a good combination!

andrea said…
ooooohhhh, I hate that I missed this. and the jupiter is just down the road from me! can't tell you how lovely it would have been to see your work up close and personal... next best thing to seeing you. :)

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