out of the frying pan

and into the fire...


i'm back from LA. more on the show as soon as i can get all the photos organized and cropped but....

HUGE thanks to everyone who came out... it's such a joy to put faces with names and to see friends old and new. also thanks again to my very special assistants... and to all the folks involved with the little bird gallery . they made me feel so welcome, and went so out of their way.... high fives all around [even if you don't high five!]. i feel so lucky.

this week i'm installing a show i co-curated with lorene anderson entitled workAday.

after creating a drawing a day with thread for a year i was really curious what other artists would do if they had to create a complete work in a day. so we asked 10 others besides ourselves to give it a try for a minimum of three weeks. the results are actually really varied and really cool.

four weeks of my drawing a day series will be shown

6608 san pablo avenue, oakland, california 94608 • 510.547.6608

there's a reception this Saturday from 6-9pm and a reception on Friday Nov. 2 from 7-10pm. if you are in the Bay Area - come on by!

more info is available on blankspace gallery's website


Anke said…
Yay! Welcome back! You are quite the showgirl! :) I wish I could fly over and actually see at least one of them...
Anonymous said…
Your workAday project sounds fantastic Lisa, high five on the concept! Sorry I'll miss this opening as well. Hope it goes fantastically for you.
Gracia said…
Wishing, wishing, wishing I lived a little closer to you. It's all sounding super!
take care, g xo
bugheart said…
to go
before you
wish i could
for you-
poor lisa!...
it sounds like
an amazing show...
i am still
for a book
of your
drawing a day.
Anonymous said…
Ooo... such a good idea for a show. How long will it be up for?

shari said…
love the postcard! you are one busy girl lisa. high five from me...i mean, who doesn't high five?!! xox
hannah said…
go lisa go! and yeah, who doesnt high five??
Tiffany said…
Can't wait to see the LA pictures!workAday sounds like so much fun. I wish I could be there in person to see it!
matirose said…
i'm so itching to see your LA show! pics soon? no hurry... i know you're busy.
alyssa said…
Your new show sounds fantastic! Are you getting any sleep?:) You are amazing!
I can't wait to see your show here. I was hoping I would get a chance this week, but we are all getting over being sickies.
Susan Schwake said…
wow, sounds altogether GOOD! and exciting! can't wait to see the photos too...
take your time...:-)
jenifer lake said…
going to try to make the opening tomorrow night :) i'll say hi if we do! congrats on both shows!
Anonymous said…
Dreamy Art Goodness is what you are up to!!! Wonderful!
Anonymous said…
This sounds fantastic Lisa - of course you know we need images!!!!
amisha said…
high fives to you!! :) everything sounds so exciting... can't wait to see images from the show... and the drawing a day show!! wow. so so much going on. big hugs
Anonymous said…
Would love to have been there, definitely high fives :) The 'workAday' show sounds interesting, can't wait to see pictures.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry I missed your show and YOU! That gallery is not far from where I live. Glad it went well and good luck with your following shows!!! best, m

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