a domestic life {06} +++ zine giveaway

a domestic life :: 06 :: cupcake

a domestic life 6.... the cutest cupcake brought to me by rori of paper monkey press . she just moved to the east coast. we're working on a new website for her. a more "grown-up" version of what they have now.

in this drawing i think it's funny how i changed the view. it's like i grew taller than i was when i took the photo. the perspective is off. my favorite part is the sprinkles. they were fun to paint.

onto news::

1. i have a piece up for auction tomorrow night. another great local arts organization - The Intersection for the Arts - is having their annual shin-dig. i donated a small cozied target. you can learn about the auction and even buy pieces NOW by going here


mixtape zine cover

remember the cover of mixtape that i posted about a bit ago... well... i got copies and it's a great issue. instructions on how to crochet dish clothes, crafting with kids, a cute calendar, a feature on paper cut artist tina tarnoff, etc, etc, etc, [the list of contributors is too long for me to type here today - my fingers are not typing well today. so many slip ups!]

you can buy your own copy here and you can learn more about the zine here .

i have a couple of extras. so if you want one - comment. a winner [maybe winners] will be announced next Wed. the 17th....

and that's all she typed [since i'm spending 1/2 my time deleting my typos]. have a GREAT weekend


mjb said…
I've heard such good things about this zine. I'd love a copy!
Kristin said…
I love anything with bird imagery these days, which is funny because I'm a little afraid of birds in real life.
LeeAnn said…
There are so many amazing items up for auction! I am a sucker for local food baskets. That's what I would get.

I've always heard great things about MixTape but at this point haven't committed the funds to get one. Maybe this would be a good teaser for me? :)
Hanna said…
I haven't heard of this, but I like the cover.
melissa s. said…
What a pretty cupcake. I adore that mixtape cover, too!
Happy weekend!
shari said…
love your cover for mix tape and it's always fun to see another installation of the domestic life project. happy weekend, lisa! xox
Di said…
I love the cupcake - watercolours are always a favourite - I think that the feeling of light (both brightness and weight) is just amazing with watercolours and this painting is no exception! And a great subject matter too!
Julie said…
When I was younger, I dreamed of a zine of my own. The fun kind that you just photocopy. (Because how fun is photocopying?!)

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!
Anonymous said…
Your art is beautiful!
AMCSviatko said…
I've been meaning to check Mixtape out for a while so would be thrilled to win a copy.
babelfish said…
I love how you painted the cupcake, the colours are perfect (this is such a lovely project). Hope you're well, happy weekend!
gracia said…
Here's to cupcakes that magic themselves taller and sprinkles that are fun to execute. I really like this series of photos and drawn interpretation.

I also like your mention of the typing process... deleting typos.

Hope your weekend lasts longer than mine... mine flew by at rapid rate. Sunday night? Already?

louise said…
Hey there Lisa, I'm really enjoying your domestic life drawings, especially the cupcake. xoxo lj
julie said…
oh i like your sprinkles too!
especially like this dld.
Sarah said…
I'm always excited to check out new publications, and I love the cover to this one! Thanks for the chance to win!
Esti said…
These domestic life moments are really growing on me... The more imperfect, the more I like them.
And please, count me in for the zine giveaway!!
Caterine said…
mmhm, sounds nice.
i saw a picture of you + the little miss on lisa c'sflickr. you're both so beautiful. it was great to see this pic.
Corinne said…
ooooh, can I have one please? :-)

Excellent stuff. BTW, I saw your expert advise about networking and it was all very sensible x

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