
:: it's almost july
:: the little is practically 1 1/2
:: i've been in my backyard studio for over a year [and have yet to show you the inside - sorry]

:: i return to teaching at the end of august
:: i've been good and haven't bought ANY SHOES in over a year
:: we harvested our own potatoes

:: i have to start researching preschools
:: that the little's vocabulary is basically growing by the day [heavy, try, cook, book, draw, car, key, cracker, apple, potato, pepper, juice, baby, shoe, sock, up, down, out, beep beep, cheese, noodle, pop [for toast], ball, block, purple, two, help, ouch, teeth, eyes, nose, ears, bubble, quack, e-i-e-i-o, ro-ro [for dog], mama, dada, papa [grandpa], ba-ba [ba-chan - japanese for grandma], tonka, ga-bo, nu-nu, muno [yo gabba gabba], dirty, trash, bird, byeee/bye bye, hi, spoon, bowl, more, please, hot, paper, pla toh [playdoh], diududududu [music], tall, hat, zo [for zo-san -elephant in japanese], sit, paw, food, tushie, feet, toes, night night, weeeee, row row [row row row your boat], poop, pee, happy....]
:: i can't remember the last time i went swimming

:: that i might get to go on 2 trips out of the country next year
:: that i have a big installation to figure out for november
:: i own my own vinyl cutting machine

:: i have no real desire to own an ipad
:: i've been able to mostly stay away from caffeine for over 2 years
:: that as of this month i've been blogging for SIX YEARS

:: that we once again have a 3 legged cat in our lives [and that i forgot how cute and rambunctious a kitten can be]
notes on the images :: the beds on doilies are new drawings done on out takes of the print i did for artstream studios [see the print here ]. they are going to the compound gallery to be put in their art in a box subscription service.
the felt "pie" is something i'm working on for that november installation.
and meet lulu - our new kitten. she is incredibly sweet. and has 3 legs - just like chinaski
Those pieces are seriously gorgeous. I have some embroidery thread that I'm thinking you might really love, it's japanese...cosmo...have you used it before?!
Beautiful work as always. I love the list vibe of this post!
Harvesting your own tatties?
Blogging for 6?
So many exciting things. And so many beautiful images to see from your work to your 3 legged lovely.
- Pictures of studio please!
- Vinyl cutting machine?! I wouldn't even know what one looks like! Picture of that also please!
- Baby is a genius!
- 6 years! Happy 6 years Lisa's Musings...Am so happy you & your thoughts exist in my world..
xo Alison
me thinks one needs more shoes and swimming!! xx
Lulu is precious.
(i'm here!)