bits :: funny hats and design projects

the little put this hat on. it's a hat for a doll. and she refuses to wear any hat that i put on her head. but this hat - she just pulled it on and then went about her business in her room [her business is pulling things out of drawers and onto the floor. then attempting to fit into the drawer. then telling me the contents of the drawer and then putting the objects back into the drawer]. it just looked so funny on her head. kind of ska/rude boy-ish don'tcha think?
can i just tell you that she is really really funny? and as she gets older it seems like her personality gets bigger and bigger. she calls red fruits apples. and she knows they aren't apples. she just calls them that to be funny. she points with a big grin on her face at a strawberry or raspberry or grape and says "ahhh-pulll". and waits for us to say nooooooo that's not an apple.
and then there's the purple factor. she knows when something is purple. but purple is also the color she names when she's trying to figure out another color - or just because i think she likes saying purple. the last few days she smiles at me when she wakes up -points at my hand- and says mama - purple??? and i say no... i'm not purple. so she says yeh-low? and i say no... mama isn't really yellow - it's hard to say what color people are... so i point to her and say are you purple? and then she just giggles.
oh and then she's always on poop patrol in the backyard. POOP!!!! touch touch [waving her hands furiously no no] - clean ! - oi ya yoi yoi yoi ! [i say this to her when i clean her diaper]
i'm loving this age. i'm loving that her language skills are exploding - there are new words and new combos of words fast and furious. i love that she can actually tell me what she's thinking now - not always explicitly, but much more than even 2 weeks ago. i love that i can tell her what we are going to do and say OK? and she'll nod her head and say "kay!"
for some reason i've been working on more graphic design projects lately. and i'm really happy with how they are coming out... so here's a peek:

a business card for a life coach/drama teacher who needed a dual sided card - english and her native german. she also wanted to use a fiddle head - but then we talked about how it might be nice to have a mature leaf too -
and then there's this logo [still working on collateral and a website]

for a new gallery space in SF. i'm super excited because the idea for that burst around the O came to me while brushing my teeth. and the client went for it ! i love when that happens.
i picked up my keys and parking permit and chatted with the office staff at school today. i kept seeing all these freshman with their parents wandering around - like deer in headlights. i was trying to remember what it felt like to go away to college. how liberating and exciting and overwhelming it all was. i am excited to teach painting again. it's been awhile since i taught that so it will feel very fresh. i wonder who will show up to class. what my students will be like.
and now i'm wondering what i should wear.....
have a great friday!
There's that term "terrible twos" but my favorite period is in that time, from 1.5 through 3, they are just little sponges and their personality really explodes.
The graphic design work you are doing is wonderfully creative. How fun!
Best wishes with your return to teaching. It offers its own rewards, too....
i'm definitely guilty of not correcting d when he mispronounced words b/c it was so cute to hear him say "quirrel" and "kunk" whenever he saw...a squirrel, or a skunk. now he likes me to pretend i'm the baby and likes to hear me mispronounce words and tries to teach and correct me.'s entertaining to him.
good luck with the start of the new school year lisa...sounds fun!
your graphic design work is always so crisp & beautiful!
i like the graphic work too. very clean and simple.
And.. loved reading about the doilies in the last post..
i get a little life back when my girls go back to school/nursery in 2 day.. xxx
g xo
Good luck with the school start!