oh hello

nice treats
right. hi.
it's been awhile. um.
just busy over here.

sent off a big email today with a HUGE project.... it's getting there.... i'll talk about it for reals soon [i did let a hint of it slip out the other day].

i'm a year older. [flowers from hubby]

whimsy & spice

with some really nice folks remembering my birthday. whimsy & spice cookies from paper monkey press .

pretty gosh darn amazing cookies. really. not too sweet. amazingly packaged. super rich brownies. yum. i really want to try their marshmallows .

and um gorgeous website and photos? yes. indeed.

and a great sushi/sukiyaki dinner at my parents. 

skylite snowballs

it's hard to imagine now [it's raining and really cold as i type this] - but last week we actually had our indian summer. shorter than usual, but lovely. and the little and i caught up with skylite snowballs 

 skylite snowballs

i'd been stalking them all summer. trying to find them. not. hoping they'd be out during the day when i could take the little [lots of evening appearances. doesn't work when she's in bed by 7pm]

they make their own syrups.

the little wanted grape. she insisted i have lemon. but if you get a classic you can have 2 flavors so i also sampled watermelon lime.

skylite snowballs

and adorable truck. of course. i mean i know there is a food cart craze and all, but really when someone does it right - it should be acknowledged.

skylite snowballs


i have plans. and things and news of all kinds to share.... i just don't feel like i can yet. these chickens are not quite ready to hatch. in the meantime i'll return to my stack of grading.


deerseason87 said…
next time you should get the marshmallow topping! so good! also, did you know that marina designed all the skylight branding and painted all their signage?
Anonymous said…
It looks like the truck and snow cones are great. I bet the little, and you, enjoyed it a lot.

Am looking forward to hearing more about your hinted at projects. In the meantime, 'keep on truckin'....couldn't resist!!
patricia zapata said…
Happy belated birthday Lisa! Whimsy & Spice = yummm!
melissa s. said…
Happy belated! Mmmm, looks like the perfect bday treat! xo
Katrina said…
happy birthday to your loveliness. and i agree that a worthy food truck deserves worthy praise. can't wait to hear your news. xoxo.
louise said…
Happy birthday, dear Lisa. Sounds like it was a lovely one. xolj

PS Gracia and I installed your doily works the other day. They are on our back window, looking out on our side garden. They look fantastic! Now all we have to do is photograph them for you.
gracia said…
A firm believer that it is never too late to wish someone sweet a birthday cheer...


Here's to a great year of adventure ahead. To quiet times. Loud times. Artwork made. Dear moments aplenty.

g xo
Molly said…
Happy happy belated birthday, Lisa! xoxox

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