19 days of summer school

19 days of summer school

do you know tehching hseieh's work ? he's this amazing performance artist that blurs the lines between art and life. he does pieces for a year at a time... [like punching a clock every hour for a YEAR. yes people that is dedication]. in thinking about him, and about the ridiculous-ness that is the reality of summer school: 19 days. 9-1. everythingcrammedtogether. and also about how the only time i really ever "dress up" anymore is to go to work. i can't wear nice clothes in the studio. kind of silly to wear skirts to the park with the little where it will be requested of me to climb a rock, or go down a slide...

but i still love clothes. just a fact.

so i documented my outfits. for the kick of it - in the horrible bathroom mirror at school [the two not are the two days were were doing field trips and didn't make it back to campus].

have to be done with grading by tuesday. and then we are doing a family stay-cation of sorts. and then i get my "normal" life back for a few weeks. or at least a life w/out commuting and grading. there is plenty else to do !

more soon !


ellie said…
I love this. It's good to dress up isn't it, for more than studio or park life.
If I did this it would like look the same day over and over; I think I end up wearing almost the same set of 5 outfits day in and day out.... Perhaps some sewing is needed to give me an updated wardrobe?
Happy Stay-cation.
Unknown said…
Your outfits are always a joy!
Kathryn said…
What I love is the one or two days you could wear short sleeves in the summer. You know my hood all too well. Enjoy your staycation!
sophia said…
lovelovelove..loveit!!more please.
Jan Halvarson said…
that's great! and not one is the same!
claire platt said…
Love this! you have awesome clothes!
Anonymous said…
THANKS for sharing these photos. You look 'mah-velous!' I love the variety..and how great you look each day.
Gracia said…
I love these 19 days photos... and it is nice to 'see' you. As someone who always wears the same thing and will only venture near a skirt twice a year, if that, I salute you and your fashion brilliance.

The film festival is coming up here. 19 days of films at the tail end of winter. If I were to stand in front of a mirror in the toilets of the theatre foyer, all my photos would be the same. Except for the bags under my eyes, I expect.

Glad summer school with its furious pace went well, and hooray! for your new book (once more) too.

Gracia said…
P.S. I documented my film festival days (seventeen of them, it turns out, not the nineteen I'd remembered from previous years) to own great amusement: http://gracialouise.typepad.com/high_up_in_the_trees/2012/08/those-pearls.html

g xo
Katrina said…
oh my gosh, look how cute you are! and your cute outfits. it's so true, i rarely dress up like i used to. i dressed up to go to the cafe the other day to write for an hour. it felt great! xoxo.

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