knot thread stitch - the peeps

i thought it would be fun to share little bits about the contributors to knot thread stitch. i'll continue to do this until there's no one left to talk about. ;) and today i'm going to cover two because they both have give-a-ways of knot thread stitch on their blogs.

sally is one of those people. the people who put things together perfectly. always. her sense of space, her color choices, her aesthetic is completely honed. she's currently living in busan, korea, but i've had the good fortune of spending a couple of afternoons with her and J + J and they are as nice and charming and well dressed as you'd imagine. 

she also has done some amazing stuff as shim tokk. i knew i wanted something by sally in my book and was thrilled when she said yes. i thought she'd be great at modernizing sashiko - and she was. she created some really beautiful coasters [which you could enlarge into placemats or pillows with ease]. 

you could see for yourself by winning a copy of knot thread stitch her blog here. she's picking a winner on friday....

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blair and i haven't actually met in person, but we are long time internet pals. i even thrifted her a coat once. and we're trading - i sent her some art and in return i'm getting a quilt [yes you can be jealous].

blair's sense of color is really close to mine, i think we both lean a bit toward quirky too. she's a master at transformation - taking all sorts of things and repurposing them and giving them a new life. i thought she'd be PERFECT for an updated hankie project. she submitted 3 versions and i had to make sure they all made it in. so good. 

of course she has my heart because she crochets too. she's coordinating a granny square sampler [AHHHH]. 

i was able to get blair to answer a few questions ::

:: quick - without thinking - what is your favorite color RIGHT NOW?

blue, always

:: what is your favorite comfort food?

Cake with lots of frosting.

:: why did you agree to be in knot thread stitch ? ;) can you give us any insight or behind the scenes info on the project you contributed? 

Well, when Lisa knocks, I answer! But I also loved the project she was suggesting for me. It was the perfect time for me to take on a little handstitching, which is so incredibly meditative for me. 

:: what book/tv show/song/blog/insert whatever it is here/ is just making you SO happy RIGHT NOW?

Book: Diane Arbus: A Biography. I can't believe I've never read it.
TV Show- Any documentary, they keep me company in my studio while I work.
Song- How about a whole CD? The Shins/Port of Morrow
Blog- Lately I've been stalking Thompson Family-Life. I think crochet led me there, but I love Danielle's quirky, colorful style.

:: do you have a craft/art/studio routine that makes everything go smoother? Would you share it with us?

I have to do a big clean-up in between projects. Although I'm an advocate for not waiting for perfectly organized surroundings to do something creative, I'm a messy maker and have to stop and clean at least a little in between projects. 

blair is giving away a copy of knot thread stitch on her blog as well.

thanks ladies. i'm so honored to call you friends and have you in my book.


bugheart said…
so can we order
a signed copy
from you?
i keep entering
the give-aways but
i am not lucky.
gotta get my
hands on your book!

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