knot thread stitch - the peeps : amy karol {and tidbits}
hi. sorry for radio silence. school + lots of other stuff keeping me busy - i'm sure you guessed that. and more on one particular project soon, but for now... four tidbits::
ONE: i have work in a group show at Walter Maciel Gallery called threading the needle . it's up thru oct. 27 - so awhile still.
TWO: i'm doing a demo/ knot thread stitch book signing with the lovely Mati McDonough [and her daring adventures in paint] at ::
Marion & Rose's Workshop on
Saturday October 6 from 2-4:30
461 9th Street - 94607
we'll make some stuff, we'll sign books if you want... it will be a good time in Old Oakland. Come on down [even if you already have a book, feel free to come by and say hello !]
THREE: i'll be helping the lovely jen/sprout studio out with her awesome necklace teahouse studio class this Sunday - the 30th from 1-4. there are still a few slots left if you want to make some pretty beaded lovely things with us !
FOUR: i was featured on insideout's [home magazine] blog the other day [woo hoo and thanks!] and there's a make believe collection post on poppytalk : 21 - laylah ali
so - now onto amy karol - another fabulous contributor to my book. you might know her for her amazing books - bend-the-rules sewing and bend the rules with fabric. amy was one of the first mega-craft star people i met online. and she was nice. always nice and inclusive. and funny [quietly and cynically funny. my kind of funny]. and just talented - on so many levels. she and i traded some art and to this day i wake up and look at a mini quilt of hers every morning. and i love it as much as i did the day it arrive. oh and i also love the facial oils she concocted. i use them every night.
1. quick – without thinking what is your favorite color RIGHT NOW?
3. why did you agree to be in knot thread stitch ? ;)
4. can you give us any insight or behind the scenes info on the project you contributed?
6. do you have a craft/art/studio routine that makes everything go smoother? Would you share it with us?
ONE: i have work in a group show at Walter Maciel Gallery called threading the needle . it's up thru oct. 27 - so awhile still.
TWO: i'm doing a demo/ knot thread stitch book signing with the lovely Mati McDonough [and her daring adventures in paint] at ::
Marion & Rose's Workshop on
Saturday October 6 from 2-4:30
461 9th Street - 94607
we'll make some stuff, we'll sign books if you want... it will be a good time in Old Oakland. Come on down [even if you already have a book, feel free to come by and say hello !]
THREE: i'll be helping the lovely jen/sprout studio out with her awesome necklace teahouse studio class this Sunday - the 30th from 1-4. there are still a few slots left if you want to make some pretty beaded lovely things with us !
FOUR: i was featured on insideout's [home magazine] blog the other day [woo hoo and thanks!] and there's a make believe collection post on poppytalk : 21 - laylah ali
so - now onto amy karol - another fabulous contributor to my book. you might know her for her amazing books - bend-the-rules sewing and bend the rules with fabric. amy was one of the first mega-craft star people i met online. and she was nice. always nice and inclusive. and funny [quietly and cynically funny. my kind of funny]. and just talented - on so many levels. she and i traded some art and to this day i wake up and look at a mini quilt of hers every morning. and i love it as much as i did the day it arrive. oh and i also love the facial oils she concocted. i use them every night.
1. quick – without thinking what is your favorite color RIGHT NOW?
greyish purple (is that puce?)
2. what is your favorite comfort food?
right now, biscuits with honey
3. why did you agree to be in knot thread stitch ? ;)
because I wanted to work with you and think you are awesome.
amy i think you are awesome too. thank you.
one of amy's mini quilts [image from her website] |
4. can you give us any insight or behind the scenes info on the project you contributed?
copying a drawing delia did was so fun, it was like being in her brain for a bit. the piece that is in the book hangs over her bed. she is very proud of it.
as she should be.
5. what book/tv show/song/blog/insert whatever it is here/ is just making you SO happy RIGHT NOW?
I am really loving my food blogs, as I usually do, and making any dessert with fruit makes me really happy. and make-up blogs with tacky/cute nail art.
one of amy's paintings [image from her website] |
6. do you have a craft/art/studio routine that makes everything go smoother? Would you share it with us?
keeping it clean. It has to be clean or I get very grumpy. nothing more of a routine than that, the kids are always around, so working alone is sort of impossible right now, which is still hard for me to get used to. but they will grow up and move out someday, so I've been told.
thanks amy. 2012 - the year we meet in person. 3+ months to make it happen !