knot thread stitch - the peeps {and another little story}

Quary books and KNOT/THREAD/stich alert ::
small gathering with me, Mati McDonough who authored Daring Adventures in Paint and Susan Schwake who authored Art Lab for Kids... we'll be hanging out at tea house studios FRIDAY night - the 7th from 6-8pm. come eat, drink, grab a book... 1250 Addison Street Suite 208. it's rumored my cohorts might turn it into a dance party.


before i get into another amazing book contributor - i have another funny little story. she was in the bath. we were talking about what happened at pre-k. she was explaining that one child was biting and hitting a lot that day. 
me: did the teachers stop her? 
little: yes - they tell her not to. but i don't know why she does it.
me: she's younger than you right? 
little: yes
me: remember when you were smaller - you hit people, and bit sometimes, and we had to teach you it wasn't ok. remember?
little: yes. 
me: so do you think you can help the grown ups to teach her that we don't hit and bite our friends?
little: yes ! i can! i'm bigger than her. i can help. PAUSE... and then i ask...
me: so, do the teachers ever tell you that you have to stop doing something?
turns to me ever so seriously and says: no mama ! i don't cause problems ! [practically rolling her eyes at me - AS IF mama. duh]. 


how could you NOT fall in love with heather's work? it's beautiful, it's subtle. it's honest and straightforward. and she's also so nice [and authentic - just read her blog]. in fact if it wasn't for her and her lovely book water/paper/paint there probably wouldn't even be a knot/thread/stitch. she's also so talented - gardening, painting, photography - she does it ALL - and all well. 

1. quick – without thinking what is your favorite color RIGHT NOW?


2. what is your favorite comfort food?

Mushroom risotto.

3. why did you agree to be in knot thread stitch ? ;) can you give us any insight or behind the scenes info on the project you contributed?

I contributed because I wanted to support Lisa in her endeavor of writing Knot Thread Stitch. Lisa asked me to think about a commemorative project, using antique samplers as inspiration. That brought to mind for me the image of a house, specifically my grandparents' house, which is central to the art piece. Other elements bloom from that central image as if I were following a thread or learning to stitch for the first time.

When I was working on the piece, my paternal grandparents had both recently passed away. They were a big part of my childhood and had an amazing life story.

The piece itself is on paper, with handwritten elements about my grandparents, drawn imagery and attached fragments of painted or embroidered fabric. The many rows of stars are letterpress printed to represent my grandfather who served in the Navy during WWII. Together the different media commemorate my family and the idea of leaving a legacy. 

4. what book/tv show/song/blog/insert whatever it is here/ is just making you SO happy RIGHT NOW?

Right now we are watching old episodes of Northern Exposure. Do you remember that show from twenty some odd years ago? Well, it is so much more interesting to me now than it was when I was in high school. I love the characters, the witty dialogue, and the sometimes-quirky story lines.

5. do you have a craft/art/studio routine that makes everything go smoother? Would you share it with us?

Well sometimes it's the little things that make it go more smoothly. Listening to music on an ipod rather than having my stereo going, or streaming music on the computer helps me stay focused. With a stereo or computer I have to stop working to change the station or whatever. But with an ipod on me I stay at the easel and can tune out distractions.

thank you heather. i adore your piece in the book. 


Anonymous said…
Your 'little' is some kid!! THANKS for sharing the story.

Grandparents can be a blessing in one's life in so many ways. Two of mine certainly were....each in their own special way contributed to giving me some wonderful memories. Grandma with her cooking great meals and Grandpa with his taking me to ball games and other activities. The other Grandma was more difficult to be around. But, with the benefit of hindsight, I realize that she meant well. She baked some 'mean' cakes for after school snacks from when I was about 11 until I was about 18 years old.
Gracia said…
"i don't cause problems ! [practically rolling her eyes at me - AS IF mama. duh]." -- I love it!

And Heather's work and words here too. Naturally.

g xo
Katrina said…
hooray for the party at teahouse (i'm hoping to come for a wee bit before the little one's naptime). and hooray for your sweet little and her good behavior! and hooray for heather's gorgeous work. she's an ongoing inspiration. xoxo.
Thank YOU Lisa! And that is what I think about you, that you do everything you do SO well. (:

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