in the studio with nike schroeder

nike shroeder is a bad ass. you can see from the photo above that we have similar sensibilities. she also shows with walter maciel gallery and through him we have become friends. 

when i was in LA putting up my show i was lucky enough to visit her studio in downtown LA. there was a lot of swooning and shop talking about threads [how cotton threads lie differently than silk. ah. i might be able to count on 1 hand the people with which i could have this conversation]. 

in the spirit of past in the studio posts i asked nike a few questions. 

thread? love. arranged by color? love even more. 

quick – without thinking what is your favorite color RIGHT NOW?

My favorite color is always a variation of white (I know that it is not really a color but the fact that it is actually all colors is what I love the most)

the detritus is so amazing. 
what is your favorite comfort food?


you were recently included in a book called stitch draw - can you give us any insight to the piece you contributed ?

I did not really know what that book was going to be but I was familiar with Rosie James’ work and really liked it. I trusted her and gave her a bunch of images from which she chose from. She decided on a couple of figurative works out of my fundamental reports series which I showed at Walter Maciel Gallery. She really did all the work….

what book/tv show/song/blog/insert whatever it is here/ is just making you SO happy RIGHT NOW? is a Berlin based blog, that I have been reading since they first started. They have grown so much over the years and I find their selection inspiring and well- filtered.

a self portrait ;)

do you have an art/studio routine that makes everything go smoother? Would you share it with us?

don’t have a routine at all! I just go, see what I find and then go with it. 
I guess that makes things easier, just going with it and not trying to force anything planned. I learned that a lot over the years - the best thing that can happen to you are mistakes and embracing them. Otherwise shit’s gonna stay bumpy.

thanks nike. can't wait until you next show and until i see you again.... xo
you can find nike on instagram too. 


Anonymous said…
gorgeous colors and embroidery threads. No wonder you are so simpatico with her work!

It is lovely to my eyes as well....

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