There will be teaching + workshops + conferences !!
hello hello. do you know about craftcation? it's a craft vacation conference - chock full of classes, panels, events and all around crafty makey things to do.
i'm going to be a presenter this year - teaching two courses - color theory for artists/designers and block stamp carving/printing. you can find out more about them on this page. i was kind of excited that they didn't want me to do an embroidery class. i love those, but it will be fun to do something a bit different.
can i just tell you that i'm so excited [and honored] to be a part of the presenters? i'm going to get to meet some online friends face to face for the first time ! and i can't wait.
there are a few more days left for early bird sign up. you can buy tickets HERE [through eventbrite]
also coming up is my artist packet class. i'm teaching it at Kala again. it's a two night jam packed quick overview of everything you need to put into your artist packet - including the dreaded artist statement. this is a great class if you are recently graduated and feel like you don't have your packet together, or if you are trying to pull everything together to apply to grad school/a residency or grant.... OR if you have been making and working for awhile and you feel like your packet is rusty and needs an update/overhaul.
i really love teaching this class - it's one component of the professional practice class that i teach and i always feel like it's the kind of nuts and bolts info that can really help someone get on the right track.
i'll be doing another embroidery class there too - in may. so mark your calendars if that's something that interests you.