week 6 ~ drawing a day
week 6 ~ drawing a day Originally uploaded by dressform.
so.... pale yellow after intense red is like jumping into a cold cold pool.... not easy, but probably worth it [at least theoretically worth it!] i also just noticed how 3 out of 5 of these are nature themed.... hmmm... what's going on in my brain? is it because it's fallish and i look in the garden and see things about ready to go to seed or to hybernate for the winter [even though it doesn't get so cold here]....
this little treasure of goodness came from p2p . thanks maria! i love it! i can never get enough of the texture from letterpress printing... it is sublime and lovely and subtle.
i have a stack of mail going out tomorrow... little goodies to go across the land, sea, air... i still need to finish a couple more things for swaps... especially the return gift for my cute cute kitty from craftapalooza
it is so darn cute in person.... like 50 times cuter than in the photo....
i feel so behind... like i'm just running and running and running but staying in the exact same spot... well, that's not entirely true - i manage to move, but then i am presented w/ more hills to climb.... it's almost like lists aren't helping.... just keep going. one foot in front of the other - this works, right?? [although i'm kind of clutsy so i'm liable to trip over a crack]. at least i'm not completely stressed beyond belief. i have learned that i manage to get through things and that i just have to maintain a pace.... [like a heartbeat]
i've been thinking a lot about space since nebo mentioned it the other day {and you should RUN not walk over to her blog b/c she's selling some drawings for a RIDICULOUSLY low price}.... it's like i'm hyper aware of negative space [especially since we just talked about it in my design class too]. how the negative has to balance the positive... how it took me FOREVER to allow there to be empty space in my work. that was such a HUGE HUGE struggle... how finding the empty and the calm can take just as long or longer than actually putting something down.... it's about looking, breathing, balancing... one slight shift and the house of cards tumbles tumbles tumbles.... is our sense of space inherit? meaning are we kind of born with a spacial aesthetic that we are drawn to? i definitely spend a crazy amount of time slightly shifting, turning paper, drawing something in light light pencil to be erased.... are there space rules??? hmmmmmm and thank you !! for all the lovely wishes... i had a very nice birthday.... and it will continue into next week [my favorite way to celebrate! in our family we call it a polish b-day - when you keep celebrating past the date - not sure why that is, but tis true!]
I totally agree with your running in place list. I still have to get together a few packages out. I am not even to the mailout part of my list. Arg!
I am glad that you had a good birthday and that the celebration is continuing!
And for space. I am always attracted to things with a lot of negative space, but I seem to fill up my canvas. I am afraid to leave the space clear.
I love that you are always asking questions and searching. Thank you!
your thoughts are great. always so interesting & challenging. i agree with wendy and want to thank you.
i wish my clients let me leave more white space on the pages i design. i wish i wish...
have a great week!
xo, mav
and your thoughts on space!
"finding the empty and the calm can take just as long or longer than actually putting something down"
This is EXACTLY what I was thinking about but couldn't articulate - it's so true!
(thanks for the link)
so glad you had a great birthday!