drawing a day ~ week 31
drawing a day ~ week 31 Originally uploaded by dressform.
back to the root of drawing... [does that make any sense?] i wanted to draw things that surrounded me. that moved me with their simplicity. things that BELONG to me. [except for the bed.... can't give up on the doily thing....] so this week is very minimal. very simple. truly about line and space in hopefully a fundamental way....
the week of color made me think about the difference between visuals and words. how you can interconnect the two and how something purely visual resonates in an entirely different way.
do you want/need both? do you respond to one more than the other? are our brains wired to "get" one more than the other? [this has been proven?? photographic memory vs. writing/audible memory....]. i wonder in the grand scheme of things what this is all about? like evolutionarily [is that a word?] why for some visual aspects became a strong genetic trait and why for others hearing, or cognitive thinking became more prominent. are we really hardwired some way or can you learn and/or practice a new and different method of seeing/learning/understanding?
i am still also thinking a lot about ego, participation, and recognition. vegas and venice had some really interesting thoughts in the comments of the last few posts.... what really struck me is how the order of the words makes such a huge difference. they do seem really cyclical. and i keep wondering what is it that i want for my art, for this blog... for anything. can i find an answer to that? it seems like the answer changes.... and it gets so tiring to put yourself out there and get rejected/disappointed.... but it's also important.... isn't it? so what DO i really want?? [if i had a million dollars i'd give it up for the answer!]
ok enough philosophy 101 - [and by the way i find it VERY funny that i am currently working on a web banner for the philosophy dept. at uc berkeley.... coinkydink?] hope the start of your week is swell.....
**** book club.... i'm thinking we should just read all 3 of those books.... let's start w/ the sara vowell? let's say we start on the 25th [so that we all have enough time to get the book] and natasha made a whole bunch of suggestions that sound fabulous in these comments .... next round???
do you have favorites?
wendy - what about smell... sometimes i think smell is the one that sneaks up on you.... do i have favorites? sometimes i have ones that i think are stronger... it's funny that you like the fan... that is the one i'd "do-over" if i thought about it....
anonymous... i'm quite flattered by your comment.... i'm not a big collage person per se... but that is an interesting thought.
hi jan.... your comments are always appreciated... here / there / anywhere! thank you!!
I'll order my book right away!