when dogs and softies meet

tonka meets blue

tonka likes blue!

from a green girl

i came home to a package from the lovely wendy . i'm so lucky that she sent me BOTH a penguin and a small bird to hang out w/ livia .


don't they look cute in a basket??

i also made my own softie recently. i sent it off, but i've heard that it's arrived safe, so i feel like i can post about it now. i was really nervous about making it... alison makes such beautiful and detailed things.... to attempt to make a gift for such a talented maker is a bit daunting.... and i tend to be a lazy sewer. i don't like to pin, or press seams, or do any of the things you need to do to make something perfect. maybe if i had a room set up w/ the machine and the ironing board all set and right there... but i digress. for this project i really wanted to be careful. to attempt to channel my softie heros rosa , stephanie , and hilary .

i used the pattern from the cover of the book on the left [i did it a 80% instead of full size]:
new japanese craft books


so here she is.... i have several of YOU out there to thank for the fabric that i used in the patchwork... love that....

i had to go to the bedford gallery this morning to talk about my work to the docents there [since it's a city run gallery they have volunteers come in and work and give tours of the exhibitions]... i hate doing such things - but i loved hearing the other artists talk... [funny how that works, huh?] so much so that my mind is now spinning with thoughts and ideas. i hope to process them and share them shortly....


Anonymous said…
love those photos!! cute cute tonka.
(and I hardly pin and don't even have an iron, much less use one)
you rabbit is super cute love the fabrics!!
and I feel the same way...I can hardly put my feelings into talking about the work, I let the Boy talk for me.
can't wait to read what is brewing.
Anonymous said…
swoon =)
Anonymous said…
Lovely, lovely sofies...and it seems you are the biggest softie of them all :) I also wouldnt like to talk about my work in front of lots of people..hated it at uni!!!
But i can imagines how interesting it is to hear other artists..
Have a wonderful weekend Lisa. xxx
shari said…
yes, me too. i want to hear your thoughts and ideas from listening to the artists at the bedford gallery!

oh the softies. tonka + softies=ultimate cuteness. and your rabbit is wonderful!!

i love everything, and your softie is super great.
Anonymous said…
Ahh, the good ol' artist talk. I much prefer giving one with slides, it must be the comfort of the props, and perhaps the darkened room. LJ & I once did an artist talk to a few of the grey rinse set and a lone small child... I can still recall fumbling along to this day, explaining the collaboration process. We received a wonderful Joseph Beuys book on the multiples as a thank-you at the end. So, here's to hoping your talk goes wonderfully well, which I'm sure it will!
Happy mulling over those thoughts and rapidly spinning ideas too...
take care, g
Anonymous said…
The bunny looks absolutely wonderful. I'm a new new sewer and already am lazy- I love to pin, but press seams? Oh no, thats too much work, lol.
I'm nowhere near talking about my work in a gallery with people, but I do love critiques sooo much because I adore hearing all my classmates talk about their work, it makes my mind chugchug with ideas and thoughts.
Tiffany said…
wonderful softies!! and yours is beautiful! ever so darling! and i totally understand the lazy sewing thing, as i used to be one but had to force myself out of it, for perfection's sake! though i do still succomb every now and then.

Jess Hutch said…
What a wonderful softie! I think I'm in love. Do you think you'll be making more?
Oh your softie is just the cutest....a lime green smile on gray flanner - he's a winner! ;)

Speaking of the cutest..Tonka is right up there. Love the montage of him nestling with the penguin.

:) xox
Anonymous said…
oh Lisa, your softie is just perfect! I love that the fabric is from different places, that tends to happen in my projects a lot lately, and nothing makes me happier. When are you going to make a softie version of Tonka??
Anonymous said…
I´d like blue too, wendy´s creatures are all so very cute!!
and of course I love your rabbit, expecially the face/mouth expression :)
lisa solomon said…
hi wendy... well your softies are so inspirational !! made taking photos easy

hi ky!

julie... you are so kind.... it IS so hard to talk about one's work... sigh...

shari... :) so i have my book now - are we ready to start?? i'll post about that next time

thanks erin

gracia... i don't like it even w/ slides! what a GREAT TY gift you got though....

kelly... yeah - crits are good... you'll miss them when you are done with school!

ha ha tiff - so there's hope for me?

hi jess... will email you.... from you that comment is super special!

hi abigail... xoxo

blair... i know - the fabric from bloggy folks is so great. i love it! tonka softie?? hmmmm mind spinning now....

maditi... thank you friend! wendy's softies are super duper cute, no?
Anonymous said…
*Big Smile*
when dogs meet softies...softies become bits of fabric and filling scattered around the house in no time (my own experience with Dr. Lucas, the dog)
I love the face on your bunny, sweeeeet!
Giving tours can be a lot of fun so just enjoy.
Anonymous said…
Your rabbit is somehow so benignly sweet. And I love the little drawing Wendy sent with her softies. The wild hair is just perfect.

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