bus benches in North Oakland
UPDATE : bench warming cancelled today due to rain rain rain. will let you know when it's rescheduled.
so the entirely fabulous ellen lake started a bench project art piece last year... replacing those ugly place your AD here benches with pieces of artwork. and she got funding from the city of oakland to keep it going this year.
she asked me to contribute and so i immediately thought what better than some granny squares? i made some and then i painted and embroidered them. i thought it'd be funny to make what is normally seen as sort of an uncomfortable waiting station into something homey and inviting.
these are on the corner of standford and market - they'll be up for months. i can't wait to see people interacting with them. i saw someone sleeping on another artist's bench. it looked great.
there's a little reception today [although with the rain we might be postponing?] at 4pm on MLK and Arlington. here's the facebook event.
more info on the benches and the other artists involved [there are some really beautiful ones!] is here
and a map to all of them is here
if you have reason to sit on my benches and snap a pic i'd LOVE to see them ....

here's jodan bickett's take